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vivarium or pauldarium

22 11:47:50

Ok so I just bought a 12x12x18 zoo med enclosure. Iam wanting to do a tree frog setup with a water fall of some kind with live plants. My questions are is there a pre built waterfall that would be small enough for this enclosure? Or would it be better to try a pauldarium? I know zoo med makes a water fall kit as well. Any advice on the waterfall would be great. Also Iam planning on getting 1 whites tree frog for the enclosure and was wondering about the best way to heat the enclosure bc where we r moving to does not have central heat and air. However we do use space heaters and window air condition units. Any advice would be great!

Anita, great to hear from you! As far as the waterfall is concerned any pre-made waterfall would really work however, I have found them to be unreliable over time; as in the fact the motors seem to burn out rather quickly.  Here is an article on Green Tree Frogs which would have the same care requirements as the White's