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lost water dragon

22 14:46:07

Dear Tara,
   I have been scouring the internet for help. We often let our water dragon of ~five years outside in a cage to soak up some vitamins. Early this evening I found that not only was the door open but also no water dragon. There were a couple of younger yard people around earlier today and we will not rule out the possibility of theft. However assuming our lizard got out by itself, what would you suggest we do to find it?
   We have put its tank's lights outside with water and an enclosed container of crickets. The original cage was raised off the ground in our backyard. Known animals include raccoons and our dog though we doubt she would do anything. If there is anything else or anyone else you could refer me to I would very much appreciate it.


Hello, I'd say she was stolen or you never closed the door properly, Put up lost flyers with a picture and a reward always helps 40-50 bucks reward or More would get the people who took her to give her back they'd lie and say they found her if they were just kids also it would warn neighbers there might be a lizard in tehre garden and then they would liley check after seeing the flyers and call you if they see her.