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Box turtles and skinks living together in same terrarium?

22 13:28:00

Can a wild baby box turtle and a wild baby five lined skink live in the same habitat? The tank being used for the box turtle is 75 gallon and it's in my son's bedroom. The male baby skink lives in a smaller ten gallon habitat. My son caught both the skink and turtle last year and we are keeping them as pets at least through the cold winter months. He enjoys helping me to take care of them and is not ready to release them into the wild yet. Thanks!!

You can do so in such a large enclosure, though I must warn that box turtles will snack on grasshoppers and invertebrates in the wild, and a small skink would definitely be on that menu. It isn't incredibly likely, but quite a possibility that you should be aware of before integrating them. I would just keep them separately.