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my poor Seyton

22 14:47:10

my crab has been blowing bubbles and has been leaking brown liquid... he hasnt moved for about 2 days, he keeps falling out of his shell, not fully but almost

he had a little fall the other day, my friend suggested that he is stressed, but i'm worried.

there arent any vets around my town that will look at a hermit crab...

please help

Dear Sarah,
thank you for your question.
If a crab is foaming at the mouth, that's usually a sign that something very serious is wrong. Unfortunately, there's not much you can do about it. There are only very few crab disease that can be treated (some kinds of bacterial infections for example), but mostly the crab either pulls through or it doesn't.
Keep the humidity high (80% at least), offer high energy food like honey or krill and leave the crab alone as much as possible. I'm sorry, but there's not much more you can do to help him. The foaming is often a desperate attempt to keep their gills moist or cooling down, so please check the conditions on your tank to make sure everything is okay.

Here are some good crabcare websites with excellent info:

I hope that I was of some help and that your crab pulls through!