Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > regarding handling a water dragon?

regarding handling a water dragon?

22 14:03:19

I had asked another expert...but she wasn't very clear..
My email is regardin a waterdragon ..I had my water dragon for a week and 1 day..and I pet him 1 or twice..but I havnt handled him..I don`t want to stress him..since I AM` still new to him.
How long do you think its goin to take to establish trust.

Hello Liz,

It will usually take a couple of months for your water dragon to tame down.  
Spend a few minutes per day, putting your hand in the tank with her, maybe with a treat or a piece of food to gain her trust.  Let her get used to your hand & eventually she will begin to climb onto your hand.
Always make sure that she sees your hand before you put it in the tank so you don't appear to be sneaking up on her like a predator would.  Try to go from the side also to where she can visually see your hand instead of from straight overhead.  Each day you can incrementally increase the amount of time you spend petting or touching her so she gets accustomed to it, as well.

You will do fine, it just takes a little bit of time.  Water dragons are a little bit nervous but normally tame down very well given time.
