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reptile turtle-medical

22 14:01:50

Hello Pam,
I understand you're expertise is not in the area of turtles but you did mention you have medical background, and so do I (very little- Im still a student) so I'm hoping you can help stir me in the right direction since your fellow experts are all either maxed out or on vacation and you seem smart enough anyway.
I have always known for pressure to help stop bleeding, however, it doenst seem to help my turtles (I have 2 of 3) that are bleeding from their feet/claws)(its not excessive but still worrying me). Not sure how it happend, I'm assuming they accidently may have bitten each other thinking they were aiming for the live fish (I've seen it happen before (them snapping at each other's foot or tail) but they never bled). It happens to be the weekend and honestly I dont have enough finances to take them to a vet. I tried to help them by using Neosporin but they wouldnt keep the bandage on (they are also semi-aquatic RED EAR SLIDERS). I searched online with no avail. They continue to bleed although a little less but I'm wondering why after overnight it doesnt stop already and why doesnt pressure help. As it is, it wasnt easy grabbing them and having to hold them upside down while I attempted to stop the bleeding. It hasnt been 24 hrs yet. I just feel bad not being able to help. WHAT DO YOU SUGGEST? Anything will help.....please and thank you Pam.

 Please do not rate me.  I know nothing about chelonians.  Since I'm not a vet, or even a vet tech, and the fact that my college days were over thirty years ago, I would say my first answer was to try a make a payment plan with the vet.  If that is not an option, it needs more definitive knowledge of turtles than I have, and I can think of no better group that World Chelonian Trust...and they do have an extensive website.  You can also contact the nearest herpetological society in your state.  Chances are high there are experts there you can give you better information than I could.