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absecesses in my water dragon

22 14:14:37


water dragon
hi, i have this Philippine water dragon for about 2months. got it from a pet store here. after the first month it was ok, then something bumpy grew on his tail, then on his armpit, after that he shed, and then another strange thing grew on his back.. i have researched about it but i really dont know if it is necrosis or abscesses.. my water dragon is eating well greenies, mealworms, feeding fish. supplemented with calcium. he is housed in a tank with water dish, small branch, and regularly gets sunlight everyday, misting on the evening..
i need help right now..
it would be hard for me if you refer mo to a vet, in my country there are like 1% reptile pet.

OK, I'm gonna take a stab, BUT!!!  I really think you need a vet.  My guess would be that your dragon is not getting proper lighting and heat which is causes the skin problems.  Again, that is a guess based on the little info I have.

You say he gets sunlight.  HOW?  Is he placed in a screen cage outside, or is the light coming through a window.  Glass filtered light is no good.  Glass blocks the UV.  He needs unfiltered UVB lighting.  He also needs an area of dry heat so that he can dry out his skin.  I have seen too much moisture cause similar bumps, but those look pretty bad!  

Try fixing the lighting and heating issues and treat the bumps w/ a triple antibiotic ointment (Neosporin type).  And see if a local vet (of any type) might give you some advice.  Good Luck!  BPC