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anoles and leopard geckos

22 14:43:09

Can anoles and leopard geckos cohabitate together in a large (approx 100gal)terrarium? If so any special things needed to make their lives better? If not what can live with anoles?

Hello Lisa, with a 100 gallon enclosure you should be able to separate it into too parts and house Anoles on one side and Leopard Geckos on the other. They cannot live together as their needs are different. Anoles require a tropical and humid environment and love to climb. Leopard Geckos require a dry and dessert environment and are ground dwelling. The heat required for the geckos will get the anole sick. The lower temp the anole requires is too low and can get the gecko sick. Same with humidity. So house them separately. That and Leopard Geckos will get bigger then anoles and adult Leos are known to eat smaller lizards. Especially sense Leos are nocturnal and the anole will be asleep and the leo can eat him without the anole being able to defend himself. Leos can be aggressive.

I really don't recommend housing any two reptiles together and your best bet would be to devide an enclosure like a 100 gallon into two different sides for them. But some people have anoles housed with house geckos. They have same requirements and are similiar in size. However you have a larger risk of them transferring disease to one another especially if its something they are immune to but with same species its not as common. Do your research on the care of House Geckos if you want to mix them. I prefer you don't but I can not stop you just inform you. Good luck and have fun with your pets!