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My water dragons enclosure and what they eat

22 14:40:13

QUESTION: Hi, partner recently had a baby and so I had to 'get rid' of my beautiful boa, I have kept many reptiles in the past being South African...since moving to Ireland all I've had is a Columbian Boa which I swapped with a mate working in a pet shop for 2 Chinese Water Dragons...I have them in the same enclosure(6ftx2ftx2ft) that the boa was in, all I really added extra vines and uv, I have also added a plastic container with low feeder fish in because apparently they will eat them, they also have a separate large water bowl. For Christmas I got 2 Fire Salamander's and a frog, I'm not too sure of the type of frog, green and black on top kinda lumpy and bright red and black cammo patterns for the questions...can I keep the salamanders and the frog together? If not why not?
Should the salamanders have a uv light?    
Should the frog have a uv light?
Will the Water dragons  catch and eat the fish?
How often should I feed them??
If you would like to know please let me know and I'll email them to you..
Thanks for the help..

ANSWER: Dear Ryan,
thank you for your question.
Fire Salamander are toxic and cannot be co-housed with any other species. Neither salamander nor frog need UV light, but both should have their food dusted with a calcium and vitamin D3 supplement at every other feeding.
For all three, I would recommend daily feedings with small portions because food is just about the most important part of behavioral enrichment. But it's also possible to feed two or three times a week.
The feeder fish are worth a try. Not all water dragons will catch them, but some do.
If you can make photos of the frog (from above and below), I can try to identify the species.
I hope I was of some help to you

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hi Jennifer,
Thanks for your answer this morning,
I do use a supplement called Nutrobal for all three types of reptiles, I now have the frog in a seperate enclosure but he is alone...should I get him a mate?
How can I send you pics, do you have an e-mail address?
''If you would like to know please let me know and I'll e-mail them to you..'' That line was supposed to say if you would like pics please let me know..hehe

ANSWER: You can upload pictures at and send me the link, it doesn't require registration. Or ou can send an image via the AllExperts site, there's a "Attach an image"-link when you ask a question.
Most frogs can be kept in pairs or even groups, but some do better alone. I cannot really say if it would be a good idea to get him a mate until I know the species. But at least it won't harm him to live alone for now.
I haven't used Nutrobal myself, but from what I have read, it's a good supplement.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

Side view of Tony
Side view of Tony  
Ahh I see the link now..take a look at the images and let me know,
Thanks so much

thanks for sending a picture. Tony is a Fire-Bellied toad, Bombina spec.. There are several species, I think that he's a bombina orientalis. Take a look at this website, it has great pictures of the different species and good care information:

All species can be housed in groups without problems and usually feel more comfortable with others around.
I hope I was of some help to you