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frogs, lizards or geckos?

22 15:10:20

Hi I am wanting a repltiel or anphibin pet but cant decide which to get... I have looked at the bearded dragons, & green water dragons but they seem a little to high matainence for me, I would like something that moves around and doesnt jsut sit there like some frogs, something that is interesting to watch and perfabliy can be held about once daily for short periods or can at lest be held a few times weekly, something that isnt too hard to care for, lives at lest 8-10 years, something that wont need UVB lighting, something that can be kept with its own spieces, maybe even something easy to breed if I ever wanted to do so in the future over all just a reptile pet with minamal requarments that can be handled and likes its own kind... can you help me decide which one I should get?

thank you for your question.
All reptiles are high-maintainence pets and none of them enjoy being petted.

Since you don't want to use UVB-lighting, you migth want to research nocturnal lizards. There are not that many however and most of them are definitely not a beginner's lizard (if there is such a thing).

I recommend a Leopard Gecko. They can reach an age of 20 years, can be handled occasionally and breed easily. You can keep Leopard Geckos in groups of one male (not more) and several females. Two or three females is best because a single female will be constantly stressed by the male.
They are quite attractive in colouring and movement (they move like cats when hunting).

For more information on Leopard Geckos I can recommend the following websites:

I disagree with two points stated on these website:
1. the enclosure size: I recommend at least a 40 gallon tank for a group of three or four Leopard Geckos. They should be able to move more than one step in every direction and hide from each other which is just not possible in a 10 or 20 gallon tank.
2. the diet: I wouldn't feed them a diet of mealworms or crickets only. For proper nutrition and variety they should be fed locusts, roaches, zophobas (superworms), the occasional pinkie (especially when breeding) and earthworms, too.

I hope I was of some help