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leopard gecko not eating after laying eggs

22 11:50:59

We have a male and female gecko about 1 yr old. Recently we noticed her getting really fat not eating and also had a hard time shedding and walking.

We gave her baths regularly with a tiny bit of oil to help her if she was bound up or gravid. Well she layed two eggs for the first time this weekend and she is still not eating and or moving around a lot. Any suggestions to get her to eat? to rebuild her stength. The male and female are currently together in the cage with the eggs and the male is very nurturing and they always want to be together.

Any suggestions.

Leopard geckos don't form bonds of love or friendship, nor are they nurturing.  They do compete over the best hiding and basking spaces.  A male can sometimes overstress a female by attempting to breed with her too often.  If she is not well, she should be separated from him.

I recommend taking her to an experienced reptile veterinarian immediately.  If she did not return to eating within a day of laying her eggs, something serious may be wrong.  A retained egg could be deadly, and sometimes females that are too light and small when first bred will suffer from a calcium crash after laying.  (Leopard geckos should be over 1 year old, and weigh over 45 grams, before being bred for the first time).  This can also be deadly, so prompt attention is important.

Also, oil and scales don't often go well together, so I recommend not using any sort of oil on your geckos, as it is not good for their skin.  Oil also does not help in any way with egg binding.