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feeding verification

22 14:25:18

I own a bearded dragon and a chinese water dragon. Recently while researching about bearded dragon care, I read it's bad to feed your bearded dragon insects caught from the backyard because they could contain parasites, or worse, could have been exposed to poisin and could kill your lizard! I live on a farm and my boyfriend catches grasshoppers to feed my chinese water dragon. Sense your expertise is for water dragons, I was hoping you could tell me if this statement holds just as true to our water dragons as well. I mentioned to our local reptile zone that we were catching grasshoppers for our lizards and he never informed us that this could be a bad thing. Thanks for your help.

Hello Ashley,

It is true that you should not feed your lizards insects caught outside. It is best to buy crickets and other feeder insects from the pet store or an online seller.

I suggest not feeding him those insects anymore because it can be dangerous.