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Anole Leg issue

22 14:24:55

My son has had an anole for about 3 weeks.  It began shedding its skin 2 weeks ago and is almost finished (still some on its head).  About the same time the shedding began we noticed that the anole's back right leg appears smaller (just as long but less "plump" than the back left leg.  It is not malformed but appears to be "dead".  The lower portion of this back leg is very dark and the skin is shedding.  He's a quick mover and gets around quite well, so its difficult to tell if he is even able to use it.  We have also noticed that he has tended to stay brown most of the time since the shedding began.  He is eating live crickets and seems to be very alert.  This anole has not been handled nor has it ever been out of its habitat, so if the leg is broken I do not know how it would have happened while in our care.  Your thoughts?  (I asked this question of another anole expert but was told this is outside her area of expertise.  My apologies if it is outside of yours - I'm just trying to get a little advice.)  Thank you

 This is a job for a good reptile vet.  If he supposed to be a green anole, brown means he is in distress.  A vet will be able to tell if it is congenital, an injury, or some other medical issue.  If you don't have a vet, go to where the directory of retile vets is by state so you can find one nearest you.