Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > Burns?


22 14:26:26

I believe that my beloved Beardie has suffered burns to his eye and under his chin during an escape attempt.It would have been from the ceramic lamp closest to his tank and he wuold have been attepting to pull on the edge  from below to get leverage. The lamp is suspended from an under the tank secured arm. He appears to be normal other than the  small patch of odd-looking scales on his beard and his right eye seems to moist and he hasn't opened it since the day we believe he was injured. He doesnt flinch when I scan these ares with my hands but he is exhibiting inactivity other than basking. I have been feeding him with baby food (he LOVES that) and am mainly concerned about the eye. It has been 3 Days since we noticed him moving like he was shaking off a cricket. I have a good herp vet but he is out for this week.
Please respond.
~Dawn in S.D.

Hi Dawn
I am very sorry to read about your Beardie's mishap

The only thing that I can recommend other than what you are doing is to go and buy some Insectivore/Carnivore formula Rept-A-Aid-made by Flukers
You can find it at most large pet stores where they sell the lizard food/vitamins etc.
This has the nutrition and hydration that your baby dragon needs until he can feed on his own
It is much more nutritionally complete as it is formulated for reptiles that are off their food

A vet will be able to give you something that will help with his eye and antibiotics if he feels that there is any chance of infection

If you have him on sand or any other loose substrate-I would change it to something that cannot get into the eye and further irritate it-
like paper towels for now

Good Luck with him

Sandy aka LadyGecko