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Baby Beardie Housing

22 13:58:59

QUESTION: First I would like to say your site has been a god send to a new mom of a beardie. Things are going better but now I need to move our baby into a bigger and better home. I am getting conflicting information between web sites, sellers of homes and the pet store.
Some say height is not as important as length, however most of the glass housing we are looking at is about 24 X 18 X 24.I am wanting to get a nice glass terrarium that will look like a piece of furniture and become a permanent part of our home. (I have become quite attached to my sons new pet.)Could you please give me recommendations to dimensions for the permanent home. Right now Snickers is in a 20 gal tank. He is about 4 1/2 months old and 10 inches long. From what I'm told kind of small. Thanks again for all you help in the past, now and I'm sure in the future. Sincerely Brenda

ANSWER: Hello Brenda,

Great things are going well now!  :-))
Height is not of real importance, but they do love to climb.  The are semi arboreal so I would go for either a 3x2x2 or a 4x2x2 because they really need the run space.
Snickers is growing pretty well.  I wouldn't necessarily say 10 inches is too bad, it will just be determined by genetics.  Make sure to replace your UVB tube bulb at the 5-6 month mark to ensure the UVB emissions remain good.  
Is he eating good too?  
Great to hear from you!


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Yes he has started eating his veggies and all. He slowed down alittle when shedding and we are still recovering from and impaction but doing better everyday. I was starting to doubt I had it in me to take care of the little guy, but now I know I can. He was way too young when we got him. We did not know any better.
He has the small bumps (2) on his back on the spine above his tail. My understanding is these are inflamaion from the impaciton and will settle down after a period of a couple weeks? His motivation and movement is MUCH better than before.
I have it marked on my calandar when to replace his lights. Lucky easy to remember June and december.
Thanks again.Sincerely Brenda and Snickers

ANSWER: Hello Brenda,

Can you post the pictures of the bumps on his back on the spine?  Are you referring to the hipbones possibly, are they on each side?
It could be remnants from the impaction yes & should go away if it is actual lumps caused from the initial impaction.  
I am happy that Snickers recovered from his impaction because most do not come through especially at such a young age.  You are doing great!  I know you have learned a lot too.  Don't hesitate to ask any questions that you need to.  

Talk soon.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Not to easy to get a photo. He has two bumbs on the center of his back.
He has the greyish circles down the center of his back. The third and the fourth spot from the bottom are showing inflamation. one is just off center on the right and the other is just off center to the left. Please let me know if  you need any other information. We had baby sat an older beardie, about 6 yrs and he was not well when we took him over spring vacation. He was a class pet. He ended up dying with us and It was not easy.My son was devistated. Vet bills ect and he was not even ours. I have learned alot from having him and learning about having one so young. I think the older beardie was not taken care of properly. Cage too small, incorrect lighting and temp.
I am caring for snickers util he is alittle older then I will teach my son. Thanks again Brenda

Hello Brenda,

Gosh that is odd!  It should not be metabolic bone disease.  I do not think the impaction would leave bumps on him like that but it is possible.  How long has it been since he had his impaction?  Have the bumps gotten any smaller recently?
Oh that is rough, losing the older dragon.  I am sure your son was devastated, even if he was not yours you still spent time with him & bonded with him.     
Do you leave crickets in the tank with him?  I can't see the bumps real clearly, but a little bit.  Can you post one with his back facing towards the camera, that would help.  
Do they appear to bother him at all?  If they do not go away, you should take him in to get one of them aspirated to see if there is infection in there.  Very strange.  
Let me know how he is doing.
Otherwise, he looks very handsome!
The setup looks good.  How far is the UVB tube from him?  Remember that the screen does filter out a lot of the UVB emissions.
