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anole egg--help

22 14:31:12

my female anole just laid her egg tonight and i have no clue what to do. she didn't bury it or's just sitting on the green pebbles the cage came with. i dont have any clue about anoles or how to keep the egg healthy. i'm going tomorrow to get a larger tank and a low wattage light (no, i don't have one yet...i have been setting them infront of my window so they can get sunlight) what should i do???? please help!

Hi Amber! I think the egg is probably infertile if your little anole hasn't been around a male. Most reptiles aren't the best parents, and getting rid of the egg will not depress or upset your lizard. If she has been around a male, there is no shortage of anoles in the world, and the baby would need to be separated from the parents in another set up, which just isn't practical for most of us. Your anole could probably benefit from a bit more of a good calcium supplement right now, and she might like a little extra to eat as well. Egg laying is hard work! I have a site that is great for anole care as well. Just highlight cut and paste into your browser window, and it will take you there.
You will need to look into UVB lights as well, so that your girl can synthesize vitamin D to properly use the calcium that you provide her. Hope this helps! Please let me know if you have other concerns or questions. Thanks! Nicole