Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > My crested gecko is sick

My crested gecko is sick

22 14:27:11

       I have had my crested gecko for a little more then a year. Every time I
give her crickets in her cage she eats them up really quickly and loves then. I
feed her baby food some times off my hand, she eats it and then about 2
minutes later she poops it. I thought that was just normal it might still be
normal. Now about a little after a year I took her out yesterday and she
seemed really white like she was shedding but she just shed the other day.
She was having trouble moving her legs she was shaking while moving them.
I put her back in her cage right away. I gave her more crickets but she
wouldn't eat them. The next day (today) I took her out, she seemed pale and
skinny. She laid on my bed for like 10 minutes and then I took her to eat
some baby food. I fed her some and she kept eating. Everything was fine. My
parents complained that she looked very skinny and white. I told my mom to
watch her while i get some crickets to feed her. My mom said she threw up
some baby food. I came and she threw up more. About 2 minutes later the
WEIRDEST thing I have ever seen my whole life. She shook her head back and
forth really fast while throwing up. She threw up a lot and really weirdly. My
dad held a cricket out for the gecko to eat and she didn't eat it. Every time I
show her a cricket she eats it in seconds. I have NO idea what to do. Please
e-mail me back as soon as you can. I care tons about my gecko and I would
hate to see her go. E-mail me back to ASAP.  Thank
you so much.

Hello Lillian,

Wow that is too bad your crested is so ill.  
What type of babyfood are you feeding?  Are the crickets possibly too large for her?  
What are the temps being kept at in the tank?  The basking temps that are recommended for the hot or warm side are around 82 but no higher.  The daytime temps need to be around 75-78 & the nighttime temps should be around 72-74.  
They are very sensitive to temperatures.  What are you using to measure the temps?  
What type of substrate are you using?  
I suggest too, that you get a fecal sample & get it analyzed by the vet.  
You can email me at

Let's try to get her better.
