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leopard geckos burnt skin from calcium sand

22 11:53:31


Please could I ask your advice for my leopard geckos.
I have stupidly put calcium sand as their substrate which has burnt there skin, i have tried bething it with water but it seems to have made it worse, what can i bathe it with to heal & prevent infection?

I have removed the sand & laid tissue paper instead.

Thanks Sarah

Hmm, I have never heard of a calcium skin burn but I am not saying it isn't possible. I would say as long as there is tissue paper you should be fine but if medication is needed you could possibly use betadine but I would highly recommend taking the gecko to a vet before applying it as burns are very serious and I am not a vet. I am sure if you called one in the area they would be able to advise at what strength to use the betadyne. Also we have an extensive care article on our site as well.