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Swelling on Australian Whites

22 14:01:01


Swelling of right leg

I have a 5yr old Aussie WTF (female) who, while always being overweight (hard to limit intake with other frogs ad reptiles in the reptarium), has recently developed a sever swelling in her right thigh that extends somewhat into her belly.  She has a couple of sores on her hind end, though I wonder if they might be from scrapes because she likes sitting on a large piece of driftwood.  As soon as I noticed the swelling, I put her in a quarantine cage with a bowl of water dosed with one capsule of Aquatronics' Tetracycline (250mg).  I read that oral tetracycline is more effective (at 2.5mg/lb - she's about 0.5lb), but since the capsules are 250mg, I'm having a bit of a hard time determining the appropriate mix of powder & water for her.  Any assistance or additional advice would be GREATLY appreciated!

I have attached an image of her condition.

Thank you!

Frogs are not my area of expertise BUT I don't believe that antibiotics are going to help that.  That looks more like a tumor of some sort...  So, do you take a $15 frog to a vet???  Can the vet actually do anything???  I don't know... I'm not a vet.  Can you see the growth through the abdominal wall?  Ovarian cyst/tumor comes to mind, but can one even do surgery on a frog?  You need a vet's opinion on this one I think.  Good Luck!