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African dwarf frogs

22 14:38:51

I just bought 2 African dwarf frogs two days ago.  The bigger of my 2 frogs has lately been squishing itself against the suction cup of the filter against the side of the tank (not under the suction cup just on it) while the smaller one remains hiding on the bottom.  The bigger one on the suction cup keeps its head out of the water most of the time where the smaller one is always under water.  Why is this?  The first night I had them they slept on each other, but now they are no where near each other. Is there something wrong with them?

Dear Megan,
thank you for your question.
The frogs need some time to get used to their new home, so their behaviour might change a bit in the near future, but so far I don't think that you have reason to worry.
Frog have different personalities, which explains why the smaller one likes to hide, while the bigger one is more outgoing - he may just like that particular place to hang out.
I hope I was of some help to you