Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > how long can my beardie be away from his cage?

how long can my beardie be away from his cage?

22 14:38:51

Hi Tracie, first off I wanted you to know that the last time I emailed you in need of some help with my "sick" beardie, your info really helped me tremendously, and now my beardie is completely better.  I couldn't get him to eat before and you suggested I try switching from crickets to giant meal worms, and it worked!  Now I'm wondering how long I can keep my beardie, who's 7 months old, out of his cage to play with him.  I'm worried that if I leave him out with me for longer than 10 minutes, it might not be good for him to be away from his heat source for that long.  What do you think?


Hello Maura,

GREAT your dragon is much better now.  
Go easy on the giant mealies though.  If he is 7 months & at least 15 or so inches he can start slowly on superworms.  Alot of people get mixed up with the giant mealworms & superworms.  Giant mealworms are light tan & the Superworms are darker brown.  The shell is softer & they are larger than the giant mealies.  The mealies are not as nutritious as the supers are.  I am glad that he wanted a change.  I hope you are using the other feeders.
He could stay out of his tank for 30 or so minutes until he starts to cool off & then he should go back into his tank for awhile.
Let me know how things are going.
