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Baby Crested Gecko

22 14:41:22

QUESTION: Hi, I have a newborn crested gecko that has yet to shed; he's 3 days old. I have been keeping him in a small humid enclosure, but he can't seem to shed and it's begun to impede his movements (other wise he appears healthy; breathing is correct and he attempts to be active). I have never had this problem with my baby geckos before, and would like to know if there is anything else I can do for him.

ANSWER: Is the shed at least lifting enough to show a start?  The humid enclosure was the right idea to start.  You made need to have him soak in a tepid bath for 15 minutes, even adding a few drops of glycerine to the water to help it lift and detach. Check the toes and tail tip to make sure it's coming off as well. There are theories that retaining shed had something to do with a dietary deficiency, or something he is just not metabolizing.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: The shed appears to only have come off the stomach region, it doesn't appear to have started anywhere else, but you can clearly see that his first shed hasn't happened; it does appear grayish, but its still very attached to him. I have soaked  him in hopes it would loosen the skin, but it hasn't yet worked. I have also been hand feeding him everyday (He is eating and drinking), but he has difficulty moving(and I think its because his retained skin). I will try the glycerin, thanks for that suggestion, but if you have any other ideas that would be great.

 The only other non-vet thing I can think of is that if he doesn't have a nice rough surface, like a piece of granite in his tank, then add one.  A paver would work.  Something he can rub his little body on.  If he is so bound up by shed that he can move enough to rub himself, it's time for a vet to painstakingly remove the shed.  Keep the paver there all the time, because babies shed constantly and who knows how many layers of shed that baby has already retained.