Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > my bearded dragon ate a pea sized stone.

my bearded dragon ate a pea sized stone.

22 13:31:21

he is 6 months old but was bigger than his brothers when i bought him. i
bought him yesterday and this morning he was hanging out with me in my
garden, and he walked off my leg and immediately ate a piece of gravel. i
grabbed him really quickly to see if i could prevent him from swallowing it,
but it was too late. he is about a foot long. he is still lively and everything. i
also think he may of ate a piece of white fertilizer stuff, but it is organic and
stuff, doesn't it just have nitrates and other things like that? I am not going to
let him just run around in the dirt anymore. do you think he will be ok?
should i take him to a vet?

Hello Jennifer,

Oh geez, that does happen somewhat frequently!
It is almost impossible to catch them before they eat that.  They are very attracted to "white" things, too.
At 12 inches he should be able to pass that pretty easily, no problem.
If it was a non chemical & an organic fertilizer then it should not be toxic.  
If you think that he might be having some trouble passing it, you can get some canned pumpkin & some sugar free applesauce along with a drop or two of olive oil & mix that together.   Use a plastic syringe or plastic dropper to drip onto his nose to see if he will lick that off.  That should help him pass the piece of gravel more easily.
He is a naughty dragon so tell him to stop eating the dirt!  You will have to build him an outdoor playpen.

I hope he is doing well.