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Uromastyx health problem

22 13:53:37

QUESTION: I have a male Uromastyx Mali.  He primarily eat veggies, but occasionally eats seeds and crickets.  Once in a great while he will eat a horned worm.  Today i noticed he was acting odd.  He was favoring his left side, twisting, curling, flipped on his back, and would then go into one of his hides.  He doesn't have any injuries that i can see.  When i pick him up he does not bite or wip.  His eyes are clear.  He is of normal weight.  He appears to be in pain on his left side, but then he will just sit.  The area behind is left leg is taught (at lest more so than the right).  Do you have any idea what could be troubling him?

ANSWER: Hello Mike,

Can you review your tank setup?  
What type & brand of UVB light are you using, is it a fluorescent tube bulb or a compact/coil light?  What type of basking light do you use, a bright white light or a colored bulb?
What are the temperatures in the tank, & what type of thermometer do you use?  A stick on type, a digital probe or a temp gun?
Do you give calcium supplementation?
It sounds like it is a possibility of metabolic bone disease due to the lack of UVB exposure & calcium intake & absorption.
Could he have injured himself?
Make sure he does not get very many feeders, as they are herbivores & too much protein can cause renal problems.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: The tank is made primarily of malimine (a plastic covered plywood).  The tank size is 8' long, 2' wide, and 4' tall.  It has several hides and the upper portion is accessable with a large fake rock setup.  The temp during the day ranges from 80 deg to 120 deg F.  Night is 70 deg to 90 deg f.  Don't know the brand of light.  The tank is dry.  I feed him primarily veggies.  He doesn't get animial protein more than once a week, more like once a month.  He gets vites and mins once a week.  He gets a mixture of greens, carrots, cabbage, rasberries (once a month), broccoli, bananas... He is fed everyday and the cage is very clean.  Fecal material is removed at worse case every other day. The lights I have (2) UVB lamps and (2) high temp 150 watt bulbs that cycle to simulate temp change during the day.  I also have a night light (red) that is on all the time.  I use a digital temp gage that is central to the tank. He does have a couple of females that appear to be healthy that eat the same diet.  The all get along quit well.  If it is MBD, what can i do to help him?  Should i get some minerals in him?  This morning i checked his condition, he is curled to the left.  But seems calm.  I am very worried that he is in pain.  I don't want him suffer if i cannot help him.  I appreciate your time.

Hello Mike,

Ok, can you post a picture of him for me?  Is he housed alone or with the females?  How old is he compared to the females?  That is a good sized tank, can you post a picture of that also so I can see the light placements.  Thanks.
What type & brand of UVB lights are you using?  Are they the long linear tube bulbs or compact/coil lights?  How close can he come to them?  The tube bulbs that are UVB he needs to be able to come with 6-8 inches of them, & they need to be mounted directly beside the basking lights to protect his eyes.
What substrate do you have in the tank, sand, paper?  
The temps should be pretty good then since you are using a digital probe they are accurate in measuring higher basking temps.  So, the 120 is good.  
The cabbage & broccoli should probably be cut back to 1-2 times per week.  They are high in oxalates & can hinder calcium absorption.  Try bean sprouts, mustard greens, collard greens, squash varieties, lentils, cooked peas, beans, (no kidney beans), & fruit from time to time.  
The vitamins & minerals that he gets weekly, what are they, which brand?  Please find out for me.  Does it have any calcium in it at all?  If not, we need to get him on some calcium because that is most likely what it is going to be.  
Also, look on the base of your UVB lights & let me know the brand also.  There are some UVB bulbs that are horrible & put out virtually zero emissions.
