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wont eat his crickets

22 15:10:52

Hi. I am a new reptile owner and just got a leopord gecko.  i know he's supposed to have crickets in his diet, but he shows no interest in eating them. In fact, there has been a cricket in his tank for two weeks, drinking wanter with him, eating who knows what. I've even named the cricket! What can i do to meet his nutritional needs? I dust his meal worms and stuff. He's a very odd lizard. He's rather eat the food i hand feed him then go to his bowl and get thim himself. Any advice is greatly appreciated. Thank you!

Sounds too me like he's stressed.  When leopard geckos get stressed they won't eat.  What you should do is take anything that crawls,  hops, or moves out of his cage.  Don't hold him or touch him just leave him alone for a day or two.  I'm not sure why he'll eat from your hand and not from his dish.  Also you should only feed him meal worms 3 days out of every week (thats also feeding him a little bit of crickets).
Hope this helps,
Tyler F.