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Eyelash Crested Gecko Concerns

22 14:48:23

I have just recently bought an Eyelash Crested Gecko and i have been feeding him normally. Then i tried to feed him today and he looked like he wasn't interested in them.. but i knew he was hungry then i thought on buying him a feeding tank so the crickets cant hind from him. Would this be a god idea? Any comments please tell me.

 Hi Ronald,

 Yes, I'm a big fan of the separate feeding tank or bin. Keeps rogue crickets from munching on your gecko while he sleeps or leaving their tiny poops in the substrate.  
  As for not eating or showing little interest, I would check his temps with a digital thermometer and if that's okay, I would consider having his vet check him out for gut parasites, just to make sure his tummy isn't too upset to eat.