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Female Egg Laying

22 14:02:33

We have a single 3 yr. old female Bearded Dragon that just layed eggs.  There were about 20 eggs total and she is still laying a few at a time.  I removed the eggs from the cage as I knew they were not fertilized.  She is scratching around in her cage, moving up and down the log as if she is looking for them.  Did I do anything to upset her by removing or cause her to panic by removing?  Obviously, they will not hatch but the books I have read say remove the eggs and incubate.  I disposed them.  
Thank you Rebecca

Hi Rebecca,
Sometimes they will look for their eggs..but she should soon forget about them. You can try putting one or two back in and see if that settles her down.  Also, do be prepared as she most likely will lay a few more clutches of eggs, a few weeks apart.  Do be sure to feed her a good diet of her dark leafy greens, insects and also calcium as egging takes a lot of calcium.You may want to give her a warm soak in the tub and if she continues to dig at the cage, I would get her to a vet for an xray to make sure all the eggs are out, or if the digging is because she has an egg that she cannot get out.  The warm soak MAY help if there are some eggs there yet.
When there is no chance the eggs are fertile, incubation will do nothing...  What we do with the eggs is freeze them then discard them in the trash.  Other people offer them to others that own reptiles that will eat eggs..IE: snakes, Monitors, etc..