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Black Throat Monitor

22 14:25:43

QUESTION: Hi, i work with Reptiles, specialy Tarantulas,scorpions and monitors. i just bought a baby black throat monitor, hes awesome hes chubby tho and dehydrated, so im gunna feed him roaches, and i am soaking him daily, but when he opened his mouth the smorning there was alot of extra spit, but theres no drool coming outta his mouth or nose, and theres no bubbles or whesing, but yeah, any help on the extra weight/dehydration/spit?

ANSWER:   I would have him seen by your reptile vet.  He should have bloodwork done. He may have had a deficiency in his diet or there may be a soft organ issue.  Never hurts to rule these things out definitively.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: is there anything i can do at all?im worried about the poor lil guy i love monitors and hes soo cute lol

 If he's eating, drinking and pooping, the only thing left is the vet visit.  Please Sam, good medical care is important.  Tou may find from the vet that he is fine, but a definitive diagnosis will help the black throat and ease your mind.  It is the best thing to do.