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leopard gecko eating moss

22 14:46:14

We use a "hermit soil" for our leopard gecko tank (anything better I could use that's easy to find at most petstores??) and I put a worm on the ground because she'll mistakenly get our fingers.  Well she ate a big chunk of moss instead.  I tried to get it out of her mouth with a stick, did not work.  It was about the size of a medium size grape i'd say.  I'm hoping she's going to be okay, we'll just have to monitor her?  She is a bigger gecko, has quite the belly!  Please help with some advice!  Thank you.

You can use washed playsand (like from a home improvement store Lowes, Home Depot, etc), paper towels, non-adhesive shelf liner or tile.  Don't use calci-sand or reptile sand.  They have proven to be bad for reptiles.  Just keep an eye on her and make sure she is pooping regularly.