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graid beardies

22 14:41:44

Hi, I am emailing you to ask about my female beardie.I have had her for about a month now I put her straight in the tank with my male and they get n really well. Within in abotu the first week she started to look bloated I thought it could be that she is consipated but we bathed her and nothing happened and there has been mess in the tank from the both of them. I took her into a shop and asked someone to tell me if she is gravid (he said no). I just wanted some advice as she waves a lot and slowly bobs her head, her stomach is not firm but looks more full, she sits on her back legs all day up against the glass and she has been digging recently. I wondered if you could help as this is the first pair I have had old enough to breed and I am not sure what this means. Thanks Courtney

She very well could be gravid and most pet store employees don't know what they are talking about. If she is a mature female, she could have come to you gravid, whether fertile or not. Many reptiles can produce offspring several years after a single mating. They also sometimes produce infertile eggs after not mating during a season.

If she is a younger female under the age of 2 years, I suggest you get her checked at the vet and also be especially watchful for egg binding, as this can be fatal. Her condition may also be caused by a gastrointestinal infection or an impaction.