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Bosc Monitor neuro problems?

22 14:14:00

About a week ago, I noticed that when I handfed my Bosc Monitor, Rocko, he would miss his food occassionally. Over the course of this last week, he just did't seem qite right and tonight, I noticed he is presenting a slight head tilt and loss of balance and seems to walk in circles and run into inanimate objects. I've also seen some twitching in his toes.
I will be taking him to the vet, but I was wondering if this could be MBD or a nutrience deficiency?

 It certainly could be a form of nutritional deficiency, a neural problem, also, but I would also ask about your lighting, what brand and type of UVB source are you using?  If the brand is poor UVB emissions, or a compact or coil, that also could be making him sick.  Definitely have the vet look at him, and do some bloodwork as well as an x-ray.