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my star tortoises

22 14:37:30

hi there
my name is vishnu dev im from malaysia
i recently bought a pair of star tortoises
i would like to know the best food for these tortoises and i was told that they should be fed with calcium powder
the problem is they just hate the taste of calcium and refuse to eat every time i put calcium powder in their diet.
pls get back to me on the complete procedures and ways to care for them and nurture them as theyre still young.
i do not want these pair of tortoises to go to waste.
thank you

Star tortoises need a diet high in calcium and fiber so The best diet is grass timothy grass or bermuda or any similar grass, dandelion greens, clover, grape leaves, mulberry, cactus pads,edible weeds etc.  As for calcium if they refuse to eat the powder then use calcium drops in their water as a supplement I find that is usually a little easier.