Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > My green anole is dehydrated

My green anole is dehydrated

22 13:24:03

QUESTION: i just sent u a message before i continued looking around online and then checked on my anole hes dehydrated i think its bad because his face is sunken in and he doesnt seem to want to open his eyes what should i do? i have him sitting in a container with very shallow warm water in it i read an answer u gave someone else about something to give them in an eyedropper my problem is i dont know what it was that your talking about with it and its also 230 in the morning i think hes going to die is there anything else i can do?

ANSWER: Hello Karissa,

I am sorry about your boy, there is not a whole lot more you can do for him, short of taking him into the vets to determine what could be wrong.
It could be parasites or worms, too.  
How is he looking now, after soaking him?


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

in loving memory
in loving memory  
QUESTION: well after he was soaking in the water he just kept getting more and more sluggish and eventually i took him out and just held him within a few minutes he started to get stiff and eventually he passed away the poor little guy i think it could be because of the tank he was living in it was more of a tall tank rather then a wide tank so i guess he couldnt move to a cooler area however i bought the tank in hope that hed have more area to climb considering on the box it said it was for anoles as well as other types of small reptiles i guess that isnt true considering the fact that is isnt built correctly for an anole i feel awful but i just thought since it said it was for anoles itd be ok but now i feel like its all my fault and everyone at the pet store told me itd be perfect for him but thank you for trying to help though

ANSWER: Hello Karissa,

I am very sorry that you lost your anole, it is always so devastating.  I am not sure what happened to him, but it was most likely not your fault.  
I don't think that the tank was to blame.  Actually, they do need tall tanks as they climb more than anything.  
Could he cool off pretty well?
It could have just been genetics or he might have been older than you thought.  They only live 5-7 years, most of the time.
I am sorry for your loss.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: well the tank was more tall then wide i mean with the heat lamp over head it pretty much filled the whole tank with heat it was probably cooler down closer to the ground i honestly thought he was going to be fine in that tank however this whole year of having i could never get the humidity up it was always in the 30s
but yeah i got him at a county fair i guess the local pet store was trying to pull in business the moment i saw him i wanted him i didnt even know how to care for him and the lady who sold him to me didnt tell me much about him even i looked everything up online bought him everything he could need and things were going great in the beginning but he definitely was an adult when i got him but other then that i have no idea how old he was
but could it have been worms in him i read about that somewhere i think you said something about that as well or parasites would that really have made his face shrink in like that? because his toes also looked like their were just translucent skin there was nothing to them anymore while he was even sitting his toes were even folding over it was very strange to see

Hello Karissa,

I am sorry, it doesn't make it any easier to reason with yourself if you could have or should have done things differently.  Try not to blame yourself, I know that he doesn't.  
No, the worms or parasites would not make his head & eye sockets sink in.  That is a normal physical change when they pass away as the moisture leaves their bodies.  He may have had metabolic bone disease, also if he did not have any UVB lighting.  

I hope you are doing alright!
