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water dragon digging

22 14:35:16

I have a male water dragon, he is mature, he is in an 80 gallon tank, his body from head to beginning of tail is 6 inches, from head to end of tail he is 22 inches, and he is digging in his tank, and acting very cranky. I have had him for 4 days and he was very sweet, until now. why is he acting this way all of a suddon?

Hello Kineks,
The problem is that an 80 gallon tank is much too small for an adult water dragon. The minimum size enclosure meaning the smallest you can possibly do without causing stress or illness is a 4ft tall 4ft wide and 2ft deep enclosure. The reason he is digging is because he is trying to get out. He is stressed and needs more room adn is letting you know. Many people won't even house a juvenile in a 80 gallon tank.
So work on getting him a larger enclosure.

If you would like you can take a look at some of these ones for ideas. (there are 8 pages of enclosures)

Good luck, if you need anything else let me know