Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > Adult bearded dragon, swollen, uncomfortable

Adult bearded dragon, swollen, uncomfortable

22 13:29:14

Hi there,
We inherited an adult bearded dragon. He had not been well taken care of. He did okay for awhile - ate mealworms (wouldn't eat crickets), some greens, seemed to drink water. But now his front legs are very swollen and it looks like his joints are too, trouble getting around. I've been trying to give him water through a syringe, but he won't have it. I spritz him with a vitamin water since he doesn't eat well, and move him up to the light on a wide piece of bark they had in there. It's a wooden enclosure, definitely large enough for one big lizard. There's only one heater, a hanging ceramic heater covered in a metal net. I turned it up a bit, to 89.

I cannot afford to take this sweet guy to the vet. Is there a rescue place I can take him, or just some way to keep him comfortable? It looks like he might be too sick to get better. But he is still bright-eyed and watches everything I do closely. Feel heartbroken and hope someone can help.

Thanks ~ we're in the SF Bay Area.  

Hello Michelle,

Oh boy, that sounds like gout, or metabolic bone disease.  Can you post some pictures of him for me please?
How long have you had him?  

Also, let's go over your setup up too.  He needs a basking spot of around 95-110 measured with a digital probe or a temp gun.  So, if his temperatures are only around 89, she is not able to absorb & digest her food well.  Also, at too low of temperatures, it can contribute to gout because they are not able to excrete uric acid very well, either.
I can help, if it is gout, or metabolic bone disease, I will instruct you through it.  

Are you using a UVB light?  If so, what type & brand do you use, a fluorescent tube bulb or a compact/coil light?  
There needs to be a bright white light for the heating during the day, so, if you are only using a heater, that is not bright enough at all for him.  They need bright white light to do well.

Please review all of your tank setup with me, so we can make some changes for him.  
If he is not eating right now, you will need to get him to eat through a dropper or syringe.  Get some squash baby food, & mix that with some chicken baby food, along with some water to thin it out a little bit.  Try to get some food into him, especially if he is losing weight.  
