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Female gekko....pregnant?

22 11:52:56

Hey my 1 year old female hybrid yellow is currently housed with a full leopard male, she is starting to look a bit round but wont let me turn her over to look at her tummy is there any other way i can check if shes pregnant?

No, that's pretty much it--with most reptiles, there would be nothing at all you could do to be certain. :)
With leopard geckos, you can generally see the eggs through the thin skin of the abdomen, but yes--you do have to flip her over.

Make sure you have an egg laying tub available for her, with moist coco fiber or peat in it.  (You can make one by cutting a hole in the lid of a plastic food storage container, and putting the bedding inside--make sure she can easily climb in and out through the hole.  Putting the hole in the top keeps the moist bedding inside the container).

Out of curiosity, what is she a hybrid of?  I hadn't heard of leopard gecko hybrids being produced, though there was some small talk about trying to hybridize them with fat tail geckos, in the past.