Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > bull snake

bull snake

22 11:52:57

QUESTION: my snakes eyes are now blue which i believe means that she is about to shed but i bought her her mouse yesterday and she didn't eat it she pretty much just toyed with him, i don't think she wanted it in there with her at that time so we let=ft it in there for about two to three hours then eventually took it out, she hasn't ate in about twelve days tho so is this because she is going to shed or is there something wrong do you think?

ANSWER: Don't worry, this is completely normal behavior. Wait until she has shed and offer again. She should eat fine.
If you have any other problems let me know.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: ok so she FINALLY shed yesterday and we tried to feed her again and she ate it fine but a few hours later she threw it up! i know that's not good for her pet co told me because iv had her about 4 weeks now and this is the second time i fed her and the first time she ate and about three days later she threw it up and now again?!? i'm very afraid shes sick and might die?

If this is the second time she has regurgitated I would take her to a vet and see if she has parasites causing it. Also if her temperatures are not correct this can happen. Check her temps and leave her alone as much as you can. Handling after a meal can stress them and cause them to regurge  as well do not feed for at least two weeks as her digestive system needs time to build back up it's enzymes if you feed to soon she will just regurge again.  After you've checked the temps and had a vet look at her, leave her completely alone until after she has eaten and had 4-5 days to digest (approximately 3 weeks). I really hope this helps.