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bearded dragons together

22 14:32:11

i've had my female bearded dragon for around 6 months and she is around 10 months. i am now wondering if i can get her a female friend but i am worried about them fighting! is it possible to get her a friend?


Hello Emily,

Hm, well, at 10 months, she has already established her own territory & probably would not be very receptive to having anyone else in the tank with her.  They do tend to do much better alone.  As long as she gets enough interaction with you all, no problem.
I am not saying that it would not work, but most of the time they do better alone.  There are instances where 2 females can be housed together successfully, but sometimes they don't.  Females can still fight.  
If you did decide to get another one you would have to make sure they are about the same size or you will definitely have a problem.  The idea size for 2 adult females is at least 175 gallon tank, or larger.  

I hope this helped.
