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Pregnant leo gecko

22 13:28:05

Hi could you help me? i bought a leopard gecko 10 days ago from a local pet shop, she was housed with a male leopard gecko for about 3 weeks in the shop and is now carring 2 eggs i was told this when buying her and i can see the eggs through her belly, but im REALLY worried about the eggs now because my younger brother droped her from a height of about 1 meter twice scince i got her hes not allowed near her or her tank now but could the fall have killed the embreos in the eggs or made it so she'll have trouble laying them now? she shed her skin yesterday, walking around her tank fine and is still eating fine I'll attach a picture of her belly if you'd like to see it. please help and many thanks for your help!

While the eggs may be damaged it really depends on how far along she is.  I would treat her the same as the are a hardy little gecko and if she does have still born or "slugs" as they are known when they lay infertile eggs then I would say the fall may have had something to do with it.  I would be more concerned with her health than the babies right now though and I know that may sound crass but there is really nothing you or a vet could do to save the babies.