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Thermal burns on uromastyx

22 13:32:47


hello i have a three year old uro and i think she is in the beginning stages of metabolic bone disease. she also appears to have thermal burns but im not sure here is a picture can you tell me if it is thermal burns .. and if it is what should i do to treat them for now before i go to the vet and what should i do to help the MBD before i take her to the vet

here is the photo bucket image

One, you didn't follow directions at all, which required you to provide detailed background, therefore what you are going to get from me is that the ONLY thing to do is take her to the vet.

I am not going to tell you what to do "for now" because people who ask that sort of thing are just looking for an excuse to not go to a vet AT ALL. There is nothing for you to do BUT take her to a vet...then correct your obviously flawed husbandry or give her to someone who can care for her properly. If she is in beginning stages of MBD and has thermal burns, then you are doing all sorts of stuff wrong and she is paying a painful and potentially fatal price for it. I have no patience for that from reptile "owners".