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Incubator help for bearded dragon eggs

22 14:00:27

Hello, Last year i had baught a hova incubator for my bearded dragon eggs and it never kept them alive because it was too hot or too moist. it is too hard to maintain and to raise bearded dragon eggs. i need to know of any manual incubator i can make that will incubate my eggs properly. My hova incubator is for chickens and i have read online it can be used for reptiles but will not work and had upset me last when i had finaly got good eggs.

Joey, we might have to disagree here.  I have used the same Hovabator turbofan model for the last 14 years with GREAT success!  Unless there is something wrong with the unit you bought it should do the job.  You mentioned that the incubator kept the eggs too moist. YOU are responsible for moisture as you are the one which puts the eggs in the incubation medium, YOU also add water as needed.  My guess is that you started too moist with the eggs.  Desert species like beardies can be difficult (I personally have had a hard time).  What I'd suggest is placing the eggs in dry vermiculite and then barely misting them once a week.  No water in the incubator at all (I never do that).  Just run it dry and add water to the vermiculite as needed.  Now if the incubator is not keeping temps then you might need to replace a part, but Hovabator has probably hatched more reptile eggs than all the other incubators on the market combined so don't blame the brand.