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breaded dragon

22 11:46:04

Hi its my female breaded dragon her back of the neck has turned grayish what does it mean

Hi Mark,

How old is your female and have you seen her go through a shedding cycle yet? Is she kept with a male?

The colour of beardeds can change a bit as they mature. They will often lighten and/or develop their orange/red colours then. They also become  grey just prior to shedding when the old skin and the new skin below first begin to separate.

The males will bite around the neck area of the female during breeding which can cause a colour change in that area.

Being gray, it does not sound like a burn or the start of a fungal problem. I strongly doubt it is anything to be worried about. Keep an eye on the area for any other changes like redness or swelling  and see how it looks after her next shed.