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Leopard Gecko Relocation

22 14:14:21

I have had my leopard gecko in a 10 gallon tank and moved him into a 44 gallon tank. Since the move he has stayed mainly under this one log. He has eaten some crickets since he has been in there but he is not moving around to his other hides. Is the new 44 gallon tank too big for him? Should I switch him back to the 10 gallon?

Hello Amber,

Oh he is going through relocation stress.  They are very sensitive creatures & very keen on picking up on changes.  
That tank is pretty large for him, actually.  We have used a 20 long & that seemed about right but we just had one.  
I suggest leaving him in the tank awhile longer to let him adjust.  It will take a little while for him to get used to his new area.  
