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My leopard Gecko egg

22 13:59:56

My female laid an egg July 20th, and it is starting to deflate. I believe it is fertile because she was with a male and she laid 4 other eggs and all of them were dried up and yellow. Anyway, It is starting to deflate. I know that can mean it will hatch soon because it is eating the stuff inside, but it has only been 5 weeks. What do you think will happen? Will it hatch or is it bad?

Hello Sherri,

Wow, it has not been long enough to hatch.  
How humid is it in the incubator, & what is the temperature in the incubator?
Is it nice & white?  It should be an incubation period of at least 45-60 days or so I believe.  
So it is too early for it to start collapsing.  I would just keep a close eye on it & maybe it will hold out for you.  
