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Chinese Water Dragon Wont eat.

22 13:31:37

I got a baby Chinese water dragon and I've had him for about 5-6 months, so i believe hes almost or if not, seven months old now, hes eaten very well since the day we brought him home and hes growing quite fast. He was using carpeting in his cage since we got him, and we were told by 5 months old he can be in dirt. so we took out the carpeting and filled it with a moist reptile dirt that was recommended to us from people at Petsmart. He continued eating fine for the first 2 days the dirt was put in, after that however he just stopped eating, its been 4 days now and we are very worried, he is still active and climbs around but less everyday, hes been sleeping a LOT more than usual.. can you help me please?

OK the number one reason for reptile inactivity is usually heating.  I would first of all make sure that the enclosure basking is correct and then check to make sure the ambient is correct.  If these are both good then I would look at the bowel movements.  Have they been normal?  I would also try soaking him and make sure he has a water bowl that he can climb into and soak.  Sometimes reptiles can get constipated and need a little help I find lukewarm water will usually do the trick.  I would also recommend soaking him once a week and allowing to him to swim in your bathtub by filling the tub with enough water where his feet can touch but he can float by picking them up as well.  I would be willing to bet that it's a heating issue though as this is typically what happens.  If that's not the case feel free to email me again either through my personal site or through here and we will figure this out.