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My first snake

22 15:10:09

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Question -
Hi there

I have fell in love with a royal python in my local pet shop. It is about a year old I think so I have enquired about a baby snake that I could bring up myself but I would like some advice about whether it is safe to get one as I have two dogs and a cat and a rabbit that lives outside.

Thank you
Answer -
Hi Tracy,
I have 3 dogs, 2 pot Bellied pigs, 1 cat, and an Amadillo as well as several pythons both small and large. I have never had any problem with this BUT, Keep the snake from any contact with the other animals. Wash your hands before handling the snake. If you smell like the other animals the snake will be prone to bite you. Do these 2 things and you won't have any problem. Edmund Brown [ReptileEd]

Thanks for that. I suppose its just common sense really. I hate to be a pain but when you say dont let them get contact: the snake would be kept in a quiet corner in our living room so the dogs and cat would be in and out. So do you mean just make sure they're not in the same room at one time or dont ever let them in the room the other is in? I just want to make sure before I decide incase we have problems and I'd need to give it up.


Hi Tracy,
Just make sure they're not in the same room at the same  time. If the snake is in the cage it's ok. If you hold the snake or it's on your lap and a dog jumps up and scratchs or bites the snake, a very bad or even fatal infection will result to the snake. If this should ever happen clean the snake wound and apply an antibiotic ointment such as "Neosporan" to it daily. Your not a pain. Anymore questions, just ask away. Edmund Brown [ReptileEd]