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Lizard transmitted bacteria to humans

22 14:18:15

My granddaughter has a pet spotted lizard and is always kissing it.  She has developed a red raised sores on the corner of her mouth and is spreading. In spite of warning her that lizards do carry bacteria, she continues not to believe it is from the lizard. She is a very clean young girl who thinks the world of the lizard.  Can this be something that is transmitted from the lizard?  How can this be treated?


Concerned Grandmother

 There are bacterias carried by all animals, including reptiles, which is why washing after handling is encouraged when handling any animal, mammals included.  The only way to find out if the lizard transmitted the cause of the sores is to have those sores tested.
  Salmonella is the usual bacteria that can be transmitted, however, the symptoms would be more like a cold or gastric distress in humans.