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22 13:55:50

QUESTION: i now have two female leopard geckos. i have nikki who i have had for 12 months and indie who i bought yesterday. they are both the same size but indie has bigger eyes. i had them both out yesterday and they were inquisitive towards each other but were generally just being normal. so i placed them both in the vivarium and everything looked ok. later i found that indie had put herself in the log that nikki was always in and nikki was sitting at the top of the tank. a few hrs ago i seen them both try to go into the same log and indie gave nikki i little nip and nudge. is this fighting or bullying or is it harmless playing? i know it is early to tell but does this sound as if they should be together?

ANSWER: Hi Jamie,
They really should be separated for at least 30 days.  This is in case either that has an infection or other problems that may not be hurting the one that has it,but may be deadly to the other.  Generally, if there is a problem, you will see signs of it in those 30 days such as internal parasites.
To house the two, you should have at least a 20 gallon long tank so that each can have their own hides, etc. What you describe with their actions can go either way.  Its important to keep an eye on them so that there is no nips that break skin as that can and will cause infection. If one happens to grab onto the others tail, chances are, the tail will drop.
In all honesty, reptiles really don't play with each other.  They may be testing to see who is going to be the boss, or it may be that they are really not going to get along.
It sounds like Nikki is trying to show Indie that is is the boss and if Indie does not respect that, Nikki may harm her.  Also, you must really watch to see if Indie is being allowed to eat.  If Nikki isn't allowing Indie to eat, you will have to work on a 2nd set up.
With reptiles, many can get along well for years, then all of a sudden they decide that they need to do harm to the other.  Hopefully it goes well for your two.
Generally, the best way is when both are put into a newly cleaned(everything, hides, etc) cage.  That way, its no ones territory and a better chance of them getting along.
Just be vigilant with watching them and be especially sure they are both eating enough and being able to bask in the needed warm area.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: just want to thank you for that and just to let you know i have them in a 90 gallon tank so it should be easy to split it if necessary. indie eats well but nikki has never been much of an eater but in saying that she eats the waxworms no problem.

Wow!! they sure do have lots of room!!  They should be able to set up their own space very easy.  Just provide a warm, avg and cool area for both.  Also, not sure if you meant you only feed wax worms but, waxworms are only to be used as treats on occasion as they are very high in fat and low in nutrition.  When they get too much fat in their diet, other than becoming obese, it can also cause fatty liver disease...
I am including my paragraph on feeding leos from my care sheet just in case you need some ideas as what other foods they can eat.
Geckos should not be fed  crickets or other insects that are bigger than the space between their eyes.  Generally, hatchlings can be fed more than once a day,juvys can be fed twice a day, adults are fed once daily or every other day, in the early evening. Crickets and other food items such as silk worms, super, and an occasional treat of a wax worm, need to be dusted with a calcium supplement (with added Vitamin D)two times a week and also they should have a small dish of calcium (plain)in their tank.  I use the lid of a milk jug for the little dish of calcium in their tank.  For dusting the insects, Use a calcium with no added phosphorus.  Insects must be gut loaded(fed) for at least 48 hours prior to feeding your gecko. Remove any uneaten crix or superworms after 15-20 minutes.....  Place a piece of cut potato in the tank so that if you have missed any uneaten insects, they will eat the potato instead of nibbling on your gecko!!!
*************You have to be sure to feed your crickets and insects the right foods before feeding them to your gecko.  If your crickets/insects are not healthy and well fed, your gecko will not get the nutrition he needs. You can gut load your crickets and insects greens, veggies, cereals or specially designed commercial foods for crickets or the insects you are feeding. ************
Be sure to have a small dish of clean water for your gecko at all times!!
You can offer them some baby food or fruits on occasion ...
Mine will even eat a small piece of watermelon now and then.WATER:  always provide a dish of drinking water.  If you choose to mist your gecko to drink, its best to not get the tank too wet as that they do not do well with higher humidity.  Sometimes its better to take your leo out of their tank to mist them to get them to drink!!!