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Chameleon Question

22 14:52:12


 I just bought and recieved a baby girl Veiled Chameleon last week and I have a very important question.  Next week I have to travel home for spring break and I was wondering what the best way was to pack my chameleon to take with me.  The trip is about 4 hours and I know that I don't want to just throw the whole cage in my car and drive.  I was thinking about trying to get her back into the tiny container and box she came in because I think it might be less stressful for her.  If worse comes to worse I can try to find someone to take care of her but I'd much rather be able to take her with me to make sure she gets the proper care.  Any help would be great!
Thanks! Sharon

Hi Sharon,
You are very correct in the smaller box to transport her in.  You can add a heat pack if needed to help keep a "night time" temperature for her. If the box she came in is super small, you might want to go a little bigger on the box you use.  Just be sure that if you need to use the heat pack to allow ventilation into the box as that the heat packs do use up oxygen to "heat". Giving her some nice padding like a wash cloth or folded towel would be great too!!  Will help cushion her of any bumps.
You don't say what you will be keeping her in when you go home but you might want to consider the portable mesh cages which would be very easy to pack to travel with.  You can then set up her heat and uvb lights easily...  To see the reptarium I am referring to: