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bearded dragon training

22 15:01:09

I was just wondering if it was possible to train my bearded dragon in any way possible. If it is possible, what are some techniques?

Dear Sam,
thank you for your question.
I don't think it is possible to train a bearded dragon much. It might learn to await food when you open the enclosure, but nothing else. The problem is that bearded dragons don't hear that well and probably won't react to vocal commands. For other animals, clicker training works very well, but dragons might not hear the click. It might be possible to use coloured cards instead of the clicker. You can try to show it some kind of coloured card and then offer an insects when it does something you want it to do, like sit in a certain place. But I don't think that this will really work, they are not that intelligent and a lot of animal training relies on the fact that the animals like to play, something reptiles just don't do.
I hope I was of some help to you